Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Capital E

Today we watched a show by Capital E witch stands for Education and Entertainment. First there names were Sepe,Nina and  Hannah. The part I liked was the rap and the part when Mr J was in it the rap was called eat your face. 

Monday, 5 August 2019

Friday, 2 August 2019

Bread Experiment

For my bread experiment, my group had to see if we can mould the bread for one or two weeks. 

First we had to put a fresh bread in a small bag and put a little bit of water in it. In pairs, Julius and I had to put it in the sun. Kamryn and Jordan had to leave their experiment in the fridge.  Donte and Harmony had to put their bread in the dark. 

When it was the next day Julius checked on the breads to see if they have any mould on them. next I had to check on the breads because we each take turns each day.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Kiwi kids news

My favourite thing on kiwi kids news is going quizzes because you get  to learn what`

My favourite high lights

My highlights of 2018

the first photo I put on first was my friends at the bug lab. my friends favourite  thing in the bug lab was the bee game how you had to rub the honey. there  other favourite thing in the bug lab was the toy shop because when they saw the toy shop they wanted to buy the kiwi.

when we played Elimination tag my Friend Mariana and I were  running around with the others. when we were running someone tagged  me my Friend Mariana started laughing at me. But when she got tagged I started laughing as well. 

school journal high lights

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Freedom writing

On the first day of school I was so shocked because I got to see my friends again cause I missed them so much. Then finally I got to see my new class I got nervous because I didn't know what class I was in and because that there was two classes but when I found out what class I was in I got shocked cause only one of my friends wasn’t in my class because she was in room 11 and her name is Brittany but also I wished that Hinemoa was in my class.

Monday, 11 February 2019

In The End

In The End My mate Don curry took the hit that killed him on the third of october 1917. We were trying to capture a bunch of trees where the germans dug in. bullets sang through the air like insects. I was sure i was going to die. Get down get down Don shouted at some men standing over our trench - they were just shadows in the flickering light. He thought they were our men. They weren’t. This article is by Grace popole